Why I don't peel my veggies [OLD]

Once I had a guest staying for a few days who kindly offered to cook dinner one night. However, I had to painfully watch how he was “peeling” the carrots – chopping off four-five thick slices that were considered peels. At that time I suggested using the peeler or just scraping off the thin layer, and he was impressed: “I never thought of that”.

However, since then I started wondering, why are we peeling vegetables at all? It kind of looks simple: there is soil and dirt on the top layer therefore it's inedible. It must be safer that way. But we are becoming so meticulous about it, don't you think? Mostly, we do it out of habit.

There are a few reasons I don't peel most of my vegetables (and fruits) anymore:

1. I see it as waste. So many people in the world haven't got enough food, and I know it doesn't make them any fuller that I don't peel vegetables but at least I know I'm not wasting precious food, even little bits of it.

2. I am lazy. I eat a lot of vegetables, so peeling all of them would just take too much time and efforts.

3. I like the taste and texture better. I actually prefer potatoes or squash in their skins – it adds a little crunch and firmness.

4. Extra fibre! Most health specialists advise us to eat more of it – there's your chance!

5. Finally and most importantly, most antioxidants and phytonutrients are actually in the skin. Peeling it is robbing yourself of those wonderful nutrients, more so if the skin has colour pigments, e.g. aubergine. We're throwing away the best part!!!

Now what do I do with those veggies?

I buy organic – so there are no harmful chemicals that might lurk on the skin (and inside) of the produce (if I got something non-organic in most cases I will peel it). I wash them well and scrub thoroughly (especially root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, beetroot, parsnips). I still cut off bits that are damaged, dried up, truly inedible or hard to clean (e.g. onion, celeriac). I make sure I cook them properly, and if I'm eating them raw, I double wash them. And of course, chew properly!

 P.S. I still really like my old Plantiful Nutrition logo!



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